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研究目的:根据相关主体性意愿的指引,阐明合作治理范式在土地复垦监管行为领域展开具体运用的现实性,及其可能的规范设定方向,进而尝试在相应行为规范维度来检视行政行为法理论的发展任务命题。研究方法:文献分析法。研究结果:土地复垦监管行为的形式选择往往与相应的合作治理主体性意愿有关,该意愿主要表征为利益导向、工具载体以及协同组织选择意愿。应厘清该类选择意愿指引于土地复垦监管行为规范所分别呈现的形式选择:逐利心态与信任习惯选择、科学事实工具与行政规制工具选择、内部协同组织与外部协同组织选择。研究结论:土地复垦监管行为在行为观念和当事人方面与合作治理的主体性意愿在一定程度上是相互耦合的,有必要构建一种合作行政模式下的治理型土地复垦监管行为规范。  相似文献   
现代治理视域下行政审批机构改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推进行政审批机构改革是新时代完善现代国家治理体系和提升现代国家治理能力的必然要求。行政审批局改革模式的现代治理意涵在于优化配置制度建设主体要素以及重构革新治理主体组织结构,并在制度依据、机制运行和治理效能三个层面建构起改革运行机理。尽管通过集中审批权限、实现"一枚印章管审批"大力提升了审批效率,但行政审批局模式依然面临有悖"职权法定"、纵横协调不足、制度建设不充分和资源配置不合理的四重困境。现代治理视域下,应从树立科学合理的审批改革理念、完善行政审批机构改革的顶层设计以及创新行政审批局具体工作模式等方面不断完善和深化行政审批机构改革。  相似文献   
研究目的:分析非住宅建设用地使用权续期活动的规则与性质,提出完善续期规则的建议。研究方法:规范分析法,比较分析法。研究结果:非住宅建设用地使用权的续期规则存在疏漏,使续期申请的起止期间难以清晰界定,以私法视角理解续期活动也不妥当。研究结论:续期是申请人取得重新设立的建设用地使用权的过程,因此要求在续期过程中必须清晰界定续期权利的设立与灭失期间,保证续期或救济得以顺利进行。续期也是获得行政特别许可的结果,应当采用协议出让方式予以确认。  相似文献   
自然生态空间用途管制分区划定研究——以平潭岛为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:在明确自然生态空间内涵和分类的基础上,探讨自然生态空间用途管制分区划定的逻辑框架和技术方法,提出自然生态空间分类、分级管制规则。研究方法:文献综述与GIS空间分析。研究结果:根据不同自然生态系统类型及其空间分布特征将自然生态空间类型划分为森林生态空间、草地生态空间、湿地生态空间和荒地生态空间;基于景观功能识别并按不同管控等级将自然生态空间管制类型区划分为红线区、橙线区和黄线区;同时,依据不同地块主要功能进一步确定自然生态空间用途管制分级,划定用途管制分区结果。研究结论:基于"区域主体功能—景观主导功能—地块主要功能"的自然生态空间管制分区划定逻辑框架,可为构建以功能分类、用途分区、管控分级为导向的自然生态空间用途管制体系提供理论依据和实践借鉴。  相似文献   
研究目的:在深入分析地方政府土地财政依赖对城市一级土地市场作用机理的基础上,利用2003—2015年中国31个省(市、区)(不包括港澳台地区)的面板数据进行计量检验,测定地方政府土地财政依赖度对城市一级土地市场化率的影响程度。研究方法:计量经济分析方法。研究结果:为弥补地方政府土地财政缺口的刚性需求,地方政府领导人会权变地选择一级土地市场上各类用地的出让方式和出让量。土地财政依赖度与城市一级土地市场化率之间存在倒U型关系。研究结论:当土地财政依赖度与一级土地市场化率均较低时,地方政府会在一级土地市场上出让土地时适当增加“招拍挂”的比例,从而在提高土地财政依赖度的同时提升一级土地市场化率;当土地财政依赖度较高但一级土地市场化率较低时,地方政府会增加一级土地市场上“招拍挂”的比例,在降低土地财政依赖程度的同时提升一级土地市场化率。  相似文献   
研究目的:分析河南省耕地利用多功能空间分布特征、多功能权衡关系区域差异,提出分区优化管控措施。研究方法:耦合协调度方法、权衡强度方法。研究结果:(1)河南省各县(区)耕地利用多功能呈现明显的空间异质性,中原城市群生产功能和社会保障功能优势明显,黄淮平原生产—生态功能强;(2)多功能协调度、权衡强度空间差异明显,中原城市群和豫北地区协调程度高、权衡强度低;(3)全省可耕地划分为多功能高协调区、多功能低协调区、单功能主导区、生产—生态协调区、生产—社会保障协调区、生态—社会保障协调区6大区域。研究结论:研究结果与河南省区域发展战略定位相符,揭示河南省耕地利用多功能分布和权衡关系,划分不同类型区并提出优化建议,为河南省农业空间管控提供决策支持。  相似文献   
研究目的:归纳分析2017年国内外土地管理领域的研究进展,展望研究趋势。研究方法:文献统计法。研究结果:2017年国内外在土地制度改革、土地权属与登记以及土地政策法律三个方面有着共同研究焦点。国外研究关注了土地管理与管制问题,国内研究主要围绕农村“三块地”改革、不动产登记政策效应和配套法律存在的问题、农村土地确权政策绩效和存在的问题、农村土地“三权分置”的法律关系、土地财政与土地违法和土地腐败等之间的关系、土地用途管制与耕地保护以及土地管理学科研究等方面。研究结论:2017年土地管理领域研究仍基于实践导向的探索、总结与凝练,围绕农村土地制度改革路径、土地管理体制机制与政策效应研究有所发展。2018年将重点关注农村土地制度三项改革试点成效和修法研究、农村土地“三权分置”的政策绩效和法律关系、租购并举及集体土地建设租赁住房的体制机制、土地管理供给侧结构性改革、自然资源资产管理体制和耕地保护政策与生态补偿机制研究等。  相似文献   
Land resources do not flow directly but can be allocated as “embodied land” in goods and services during economic globalization. The term “embodied arable land” can help link local land allocation strategies to the global and national supply chains and trade activities, and suggest new lens in optimizing arable land allocation. China is facing a serious arable land shortage, especially in municipal administrative areas. Based on the nested input-output analysis (Nested IOA), this work takes Shanghai as an example, exploring the allocation of direct and embodied arable land of an urban economy within the process of economic globalization. The amount of embodied arable land associated with Shanghai economy is 6.09 Mha, broken down into local arable land use (0.20 Mha), domestic inflows (3.20 Mha) and foreign inflows (2.69 Mha). This area supports local final demand (4.32 Mha), domestic outflows (1.24 Mha) and foreign outflows (0.53 Mha). Land-related imbalances emerge in the study, namely the economy’s demand versus the city’s size, the arable land demand versus supply, and embodied arable land inflows versus outflows. Regarding the role of the urban economy in allocation of global arable land under economic globalization, on the one hand, Shanghai has intensively involved with a large amount of embodied foreign arable land resources, and has been heavy dependent on foreign embodied arable land; On the other hand, there is still large potential for Shanghai to take the opportunity of economic globalization for an optimal allocation of direct and embodied arable land. Policy suggestions on taking the opportunity of economic globalization for an optimal allocation of direct and embodied arable land are put forward.  相似文献   
Cooperation among farmers is an effective alternative to reduce production costs in smallholdings of traditional olive groves and increase their low profitability. However, an increase in efficiency reduces working hours and the labour required for the management of farms. This fact can lead to negative effects in rural areas, especially considering the importance of the social aspect of the crop. Therefore, to contribute to the global discussion on the transition towards more sustainable farming, it is important to know, ex ante, what level of employment is generated by olive groves and what could be lost under more competitive and efficient scenarios. The purpose of the work is to quantify the expected impact on employment by the implementation of cooperative management methods in order to generate true and accurate information that can be used in the design of future policies that aim to increase the economic profitability of small olive farms. The results make clear that this way of managing farms, by increasing the efficiency of agricultural work, has a significant negative impact on employment. However, this management formula does encourage the professionalisation of the sector by generating quality employment, in addition to contributing to the preservation of small farms and the socio-cultural and territorial benefits they generate.  相似文献   
Rural residential land transition (RRLT) dominates rural land use transition. Therefore, analysing the laws of transition and differentiation of land use is not only the basis for the differential management of rural residential areas but key to the sustainable use of rural land. This study constructs a conceptual model of RRLT using multi-period remote sensing monitoring data based on a comprehensive index method, ArcGIS, and FRAGSTATS landscape pattern analysis, among others. It also analyses the characteristics of the transition extent, transition trend, transition morphology, and transition intensity of rural residential land in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region from 1980 to 2018. The results show that, from a vertical comparison of long time series, the transition extent is characterised by a process of ‘slow growth—expanding start—fast expansion—slowing down’; the transition trend is characterised by an increase in the amount of cultivated land occupied by rural residential land, followed by a large number of rural residential land is reclaimed as cultivated land; the transition morphology is characterised by an increase in mean patch size and degree of irregularity, as well as aggregation; and the transition intensity is characterised by fluctuations in the process of ‘small-scale reduction—small-scale growth—substantial growth—small-scale growth and reduction’. A horizontal comparison of counties in the BTH region reveals a long-lasting and active growth trend in transition extent and transition intensity in the Beijing-Tianjin region, and a gradually slowing trend in the areas around the region. The transition morphology features of the northwest Hebei region are more prominent, and show that the scale of rural settlements is small, the plaques fragmented and irregular, and the layout more scattered. The BTH region should formulate a differentiated transition direction for rural residential areas based on the different functional areas, and play into the agglomeration, scale, and synergy effects of urban agglomerations. It should also coordinate and improve the human–land relationship in rural areas, and construct an orderly and densely distributed pattern of urban and rural spatial development with a reasonable layout and complementary functions.  相似文献   
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